Sunday 28 December 2008

Dear Diary 28/12/08

Busy, busy, busy week. I should have updated sooner but I've been quite tired and having a rest.
Ok so 2 major events this week! Firstly the Red Neko Gals miitsu and then Christmas! Both were really awesome and I had a great time with my gals.

23/12 - Red Neko Gals Miitsu

Our final miitsu of the year was held in Manchester this month. There was only 4 of us in total but that was to be expected because of family commitments at this time of year. I met the gals (KeiKei, Chou Chou, Awa-chan) in the train station and I nearly walked right past them lol. They had to shout at me so I'd see them XD. I'm pretty dozy sometimes. Anyway, we were feeling lazy so we got onto to the free bus to china town and headed over to a sushi bar called Wasabi which does £1 a plate sushi at lunch times. It took a while for us to be seated because it was busy but we danced around to the Japanese pop the had on the TV and got talking about hot guys.
When we got seated it was time for gifts. I had been shopping at the beginning of the month and I saw a ton of cute phone charms in one of the Chinese shops so I bought a load for the gals but to make it a bit more interesting, I decided to do it lucky dip style. So they all took turns in putting their hands into the bag and picking a gift. Then I handed out cards as well and then it was time to eat! I put away 7 plates of sushi (because I'm a greedy panda), washed down with green tea. The others didn't eat as much as me so I felt like a fatty XD.
After lunch, we went to a Japanese shop across the road that has soooooo much Sanrio stuff in it. I almost peed myself in excitement looking at all the stuff. Chou Chou and Awa-chan were also very excited by the Naruto stuff they had in there and KeiKei was happy because she found a copy of Non-no magazine which she bought for Hikitty (another member) for Christmas. Next stop was Afflecks Palace where the gals did a bit of shopping and found some Death Note bags which received squeals of excitement and were promptly bought. We also found a Lolita shop and we were having fun deciding what dresses we would wear if we could. We also went to the place that sells rave and club wear and danced to the music like spoons lol. We decided that we were so buying matching outfits to para para in someday like for a DVD or something.
Our next port of call was Harvey Nichols (extremely posh department store) to visit our mascot, Nommy the fish. On the way there, the streets were packed with people so to clear out a little room for us to walk, I started shouting penis really loud and then telling the world I was a leper so unless the wanted their arm to drop off, the had better move out the way XD. We love going into Harvey Nics to scare people XD and I was pleasantly surprised when the woman at the Creme De La Mer counter remembered us from last time. We spent some time taking some pictures of the fish and saying hello to Nommy but time was getting on a bit so we had to go. The woman wished us Merry Christmas and we did the same to her. Then we headed back to the train station and the gals had to run to catch their train while I strolled to mine lol

25/12 - Christmas Day

Christmas was nice and chilled. It was just me and mum as Dave was visiting family. We got up in the morning and had tea and breakfast before opening our gifts.
I got:
  • A Lilo and Stitch coin purse
  • A bag charm
  • Para Para Paradise DVD and CD
  • A hot chocolate gift set
  • some money
  • Ipod shuffle
I'm still waiting on a few things in the post so I'm excited about them and I wish they'd get here faster lol
Anyway, we chilled out in our dressing gowns for a bit and mum was sat reading the books I got her before having a bit of lunch and organizing going to see our friend Jen who lives round the corner. She was on her own and wasn't feeling too health so we went round to make her cups of tea and cheer her up with silly conversation. It was loads of fun and I think she felt a bit better for having seen us.
Mum put in some party food into the oven for dinner because neither of us fancied doing some proper cooking. Then we watched a DVD and generally had a nice evening. I enjoyed a bottle of beer to myself to wind down with and all in all it was a pleasant day.

The next day, my aunt and uncle came to visit for a bit which was cool and I was happy to see them. Yesterday was spent tidying up. So that's everything really. Now I just need to make quick and dirty plans for new year lol

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and I'll see you all in the new year!

Ja Ne!
Kotoko xoxoxox

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